New Mixes - Thoughts, Comments, Critiques?

Listened to Photox on HP, mix sounded good on them, my only negative is around variation and length of time between changes. After about 1:44 it didn't feel things were changing. Instrumentals really have to pay attention to keeping everyone interested.

Overall, good stuff. The comments above are just my unprofessional opinion, no more, no less.

I also suggest, reference one song for listening and feedback. Helps keep everyone focused and it is easier to ask for one song to be listened to than many.
I listened to Photox

I thought levels were generally well balanced. Maybe the kick was a tad loud.

Lead synth riff sounded pretty cool to me.

Sounded a bit programmy to me. A bit midi-cut-and-paste like.

For an instrumental I thought it had enough going on to keep up listener interest. But barely.
I listened to Photox and Yargo. I like a lot of the cool sounds you have going on. Overall very pleasant to listen to. As for critique, I liked Yargo better because there seemed to be more variation. Photox sounded cool but was starting to lose my interest before the pattern would change significantly. Yargo seems to be cut off at the beginning, like it comes in in the middle of the note?
Thanks for posting, very enjoyable!