New mix... need some critiques!


New member
Worked on a mix for a few hours this evening and I'm definitely not that satisfied with it but I feel as though it's a decent foundation to start making changes from. Didn't automate anything yet, going more for tonality of the individual instruments and some decent levels. Suggestions?

One major issue I'm having is the hi hat bleed in my overheads. It's always been a bane of almost every record I do and I still haven't been able to solve it... the hi hat just CRUSHES everything else coming through the overheads and is so harsh its unreal. I've recently been doing an xy configuration with a pair of c451b's right over the kick between two crashes (approx 2 feet above the cymbals themselves). I've built an 'isolator' box packed with foam that I stick around the back half of the hi hat to try and kill some of it but it still dominates my overheads to the point where I want them down so far that cymbal hits then won't be heard. Even with automation it hasn't been fixed either. I do have a set of Room's tracked for this particular song, should I try to use more of the rooms and less of the OH's to get my drum space/size? With the style of music it's pretty essential to have a very dominant kick and snare cutting through as well which I don't think I've full achieved...

Other thoughts? Any critiques are very welcomed and encouraged... rip it apart and help me build from scratch if need be! Thanks in advance!

im by no means an expert but i think you want slightly MORE hi hat in this mix as it sounds a bit muffled and under represented. thats my 5 cents...woo Richmond, VA!
Your hi hat problem is more than likely driven by the drummer just hitting too hard. To tell you the truth, IMHO the over heads sound low in the mix.
I agree, all the cymbols need to come up...i think everything else is pretty well balanced except the oh and hat
Actually sounds pretty good to me. But I agree with everyone else. I don't know what hi-hat you're talking about, but I can hardly hear it.