new mix .Is this ready for mastering?

I'm typing as I'm listening -
Either lift the main vox or pull back the b/vox a little.
The lead line at 2.06 is a bit out of the blue & doesn't seem to have any follow up it's also a bit METAL, oh there's a bit more in the centre. Still odd.
Perhaps if it were done a third time so it's L-Centre-R & was less metal & more blues or even Paul Kossof style (Les paul through a Marshall uneffected) or even early Budgie (Welsh trio) tone - 355 through a Marshall with reverb but grunt but not much else.
Ah, there's more leading out - makes more sense. Not fussed on the tome though.
At least add the third segment in the 2 minute realm.
Very Nice song.
V/Good perfromances too.
Be careful with the fem b/vox as her voice is VERY attractive and up as loud as it is pulls my ears away friom the male vox.
Otherwise great mix - oh on occasion the percussion came through a little strong.
Hey rayc,thanks for the reply,I agree Some of the female
Harmony vox are a little to upfront ,i'll go through the track and
apply a volume envelope to those sections.The electric guitar bits
will likely stay the way they are everyone else i've played the song for
really liked those bits ,I guess it's just a matter of personal taste.
I'll take another good listen to the drums and see if i can't even that
out some more.Really thanks for listening.

Anyone else?
