New Mics


New member
I am looking for some insturment condensor mics. I have a 300 dollar budget. 3 mics would be excellent but 2 would do fine. Il be recording Piano, horns and drums(but im not looking for drum mics) Any Definite best buys, or things to stay away from. Any comments on the samson c01?...thanks everyone.
Jakearabble said:
I am looking for some insturment condensor mics. I have a 300 dollar budget. 3 mics would be excellent but 2 would do fine. Il be recording Piano, horns and drums(but im not looking for drum mics) Any Definite best buys, or things to stay away from. Any comments on the samson c01?...thanks everyone.

Humm, for piano, drum overheads, etc... maybe the Marshall MXL603SPR (matched pair) and a Studio Projects B1... or maybe, a matched pair of Studio Projects B3's, or maybe a matched pair of Oktava MC-012's. For horns... maybe a Shure SM58 or Sennheiser MD421.... you have lots of mic choices.
If it were me I'd get a matched pair of the Marshall 603s as DJL suggested (I think you can get them for $159) and one Studio Projects B3 multipatterned mic (also $159). Total = $320.

This is a very versatile setup and similar to the setup I'm currently using on acoustic guitar with the multipatterned mic used as a room mic set to omni. I'm itching to try it as well on the baby grand, but I'm confident I will get excellent results.

There are a lot of othe good mics, but I think these three offer the best bang for the buck.

What preamps are you using?
Lets see...
$300 can get you a decent clutch of mics...

2x MXL603 - You could get the matched pair, or you could save a few bucks and get 2 individuals for about $140
1x Studio Projects B1 $79
1x MXL V67 $80

or 2x mxl603 and a B3.

Either is a good option. I've read quite a few reviews of C01's in mags (which generally review things more positively than they necesarily deserve) and the common theme seems to be that even in their reviews, the complements are along the lines of "well, if your drummer smashes the crap out of it, it's cheap to replace!" or "well, it's cheap, and we used to pay more for stuff like this". THese are the complements of someone desperate to say something nice... Get a B1 or V67 (do searches here if you want real world reviews) rather than a C01.

Good luck,
Thank you both of you for your replies, both have been great help. For a preamp i am only using my Mackie mixer, becuase i have heard that unless i wanna spend about 800 bucks, im not going to hear a difference, correct me if this is completely wrong. When i make my final desicion il post what i bought, thanks again.
mikes for vocals, drums, piano etc.

If you got a good deal, a pair of ADK A51S large diaphragm type four would be awesome. they have both a 10db pad and a bass rolloff switch. Between these two features I can use them for both hi spl applications (drums, guitar and bass amplification) and regular acoustic applications (vocals, guitar, piano, etc.). I've used them for both male and female vocals, guitar, percusiton, and piano. Two at once can also do a great job live recording. They seem to have a flavor similar to high end AKG mikes, but with a smoother result and more warmth.
Jakearabble said:
Thank you both of you for your replies, both have been great help. For a preamp i am only using my Mackie mixer, becuase i have heard that unless i wanna spend about 800 bucks, im not going to hear a difference, correct me if this is completely wrong. When i make my final desicion il post what i bought, thanks again.

You will get argumenst on both side of that one. I think a Grace 101 ($550) would be a considerable step up. I would guess the RNP ($475) may be as well. But many excellent recordings have been made with the Mackie pres, so I think buying mics right now is a good decision.
thanks, yeh the mackie pre's havnt seem to be any trouble so far...when i get some more money...i will most definately consider pre's...thanks for the suggestion