New microphone on tight budget? AT2020?


New member
Hello, I started my basic home studio in February. I have a Peavey PV6 USB Mixer (sufficient for my needs), all the software etc etc but I have been using a Shure C606 ($40 - £30 microphone similar to the SM58) I am wondering what microphone I should get on a tight budget, I have looked at the AT2020 from Audio Technica and it seems pretty good, I can get it for £55 at the moment as well. I will be capturing vocals and guitar (acoustic) in a fairly untreated room but I do not need perfection. Thanks, Oliver
I have the AT2035, which is pretty much just the same mic with a few more features, and I like it. I can tell you that you won't regret buying it. It is a budget mic, but it's well worth it's price. It's a good mic to start out with, and that's just what you're doing. I'm relatively new to home recording as well, but even after I upgrade to more expensive gear, I still expect to keep this mic around. I ended up finding it new for cheaper($87) than the AT2020 usually comes($90-100?), so keep an eye out for that mic as well.
At the price you get AT2035's you can't go wrong. An AT2035 is basically a AT2020 with a -10dB pad switch and a bass roll off switch, both very useful.

I'm a big fan of the MXL V67g for an inexpensive mic ...... I have a couple of them and they do sound damned good for the price .... just as an alternative.
Hi Bugz.. yeh I heard it is slightly better.. unfortunately I will not be able to afford it any time soon.. well here in the uk and I need a mic for some work soon!
Yeh Lt. Bob.. I heard that they are great.. unfortunately they are £125 in the UK and the AT2020 is only £55 so I won't be able to afford it..
Hey, sorry I am posting so many replies but unfortunately I cannot soundproof or acoustically treat my room just yet and although not much there is a slight echo.. and also if people are doing stuff in other rooms i can hear it, I know the noise in other rooms will make me need to record at quiet times but is the echo going to be okay.. i do not need perfection!
Just hang out near a local music store and wait for the rioting to pass by and you'll be sure to get all kinds of microphones - CHEAP! :D
Just hang out near a local music store and wait for the rioting to pass by and you'll be sure to get all kinds of microphones - CHEAP! :D

Real cheap, five-finger discount. Or wait a week or so, and maybe some "hot" mics will start showing up on your local eBay. :p

(Moderator: only a joke, I'm not really encouraging looting.)
Just hang out near a local music store and wait for the rioting to pass by and you'll be sure to get all kinds of microphones - CHEAP! :D

Fortunately for us looting hasn't started in Guernsey (Channel Islands) well.. almost did but they were arrested..
Hey guys, thanks for the help, I think I am gonna get the AT2020, I will post my thoughts on it once I have it :) thanks
Hey guys, sorry I forgot to reply to the posts. Well.. I got the AT2020.. first impressions when I got it out of the box were good, great build quality, comparable to the AT4040 in commercial studio I went to, but.. the sound is an important thing.. well it is a little brittle sounding on some vocals but on acoustic guitar it really shines, it is great for my needs. But as Bugz Mcnair asked me to see if it worked well with the pre's on my PV6 - yes.. they give it a fairly rich sound but there is a slight hum from the 48v phantom power, this isn't there when plugged into a Allen & Heath GL2400 mixer with an Avalon Designs AD2022 (well.. what would you expect, this setup is over £5000 more.. but there wasn't anything else for me to try it on)