New Mic...

King Soda

New member gonna buy some new gear.Im on a tight budget so which one is a better buy.A new Mic, a SM-58 for example, or a cheap mixer/preamp.At the moment im recording a cheapie Shure Mic(c606),through believe or not, a POD. If you would have to choose between those two what would you buy?
how tight is your budget?

you can get a Audiobuddy and SM58 for less than $200.

I am using the SM57 for vocals, but you need a pop filter for that....
...or an Audio Buddy and a Marshall MXL V-67 for less than $200. Condenser mics like the V-67 are much more sensitive, and so they will pick up more room noise. But they are much more accurate in most cases than a dynamic like the Shure.
Ha! Just like that - 100 posts and a senior member. Gee, they'll let ANYONE into that club if I'm in it...
Don't get too excited, people have been losing posts here lately :D

St Petes Huh?.... Anyone hit that skyway bridge with a boat lately?

I remember when I was a kid, all hell broke loose...
Yeah, the ship hitting the bridge was a huge event - but well before my time here.

Nothing too outrageous going on here - still lots of sunshine, sea breeze and senior citizens.
Gidge.. You are wrecking this thread.... It's a Florida Bridge thread now....

'Nuff with the mic shit..:D
I agree. While I may not remember the bridge thing, I still get a little scared driving over the skyway. I mean come on, you can still see the ends of the old one cause they're fishing peers now.