New metal instrumental - have a listen

Nice tone man...pretty cool riff also. How'd you record it? Again, pretty cool sounds. Mix seems pretty even also. Cool tune man....I can see it as entrance music.... :D
Dogman said:
Nice tone man...pretty cool riff also. How'd you record it? Again, pretty cool sounds. Mix seems pretty even also. Cool tune man....I can see it as entrance music.... :D

Cheers Dogman. I used my Grynch baritone guitar thru my Mesa Rectoverb on one channel, and thru my Flextone II (rectifier setting) on the other channel. Then I overdubbed guitar fills/effects/wah thru the Rectoverb. Harmonies as well with both amps. The bass thru the Flextone as well, and drums created using Beta Monkey Drum Loops.

Zero post processing on the guitars. I put the final mix thru T-Racks to beef it up.
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Nice heavy sound, guitars sound well defined, nice "chug"....I like your drum sound as did you do them?
Good groove...I dig it..
Cool man, love the guitar sound, just rocks! Maybe a bit more volume on the lead. Good stuff, perfect for extreme sports/video games, etc :cool: :cool:
Thanks guys.

The drums are from Beta Monkey Drums I believe - the "Double Bass Madness" one or something. They come in 4 bar chunks and you just arrange them in your sequencing software.