New material for review


New member
I posted some demos on my bands website and wanted to see if anyone could give some feedback. I'm playing bass and producing/ mixing the tracks.
Home - under the new songs section on homepage. Feel free to comment on any of the older stuff too.
I had a listen to Take Us All Away - really like your style and the performance. Kind of reminded me of the Beta Band or early Charlatans (you've got a bit of a baggy feel going on). Nice bassline by the way on this one :cool:

The mix sounds too compressed and muffled though with the lack of EQ from anything from upper mids and up. It's the same with Work, which I'm listening to now - love the music, but you the mix needs to breathe. Work could do with a little less reverb on the vocal too - it's a little overpowering.
Hey thanks a lot for the feedback! I know my mixing has issues. I don't use filters, but I will read up now. Thanks. I always have trouble with the bass guitar. Maybe it's my input or I'm just focusing on it too much. I hate when it's all boomy or muddy and that's after applying the eq settings. Plus I do all headphone mixing which doesnt do me any good. Someday I'll pony up for some monitors. That might help many mixing issues, but the filter thing is promising.