New Mackie Control with ProTools


New member
Does anyone have any opinions regarding this piece? I am very interested in it compared to the db8. Would like yalls comments to make a decision. Thanks.
It is a great control surface, Not only works with Protools, but also with Sonar, Motu, Cool Edit Pro.. etc....Looks like even the plugin companies are working with it to make the Mackie a standard for all programs. I am definitely going to buy one soon. Will definitely be useful. The good thing about it is that it is expandable. Meets every demands, I worked in it for just one day, it was very easy to learn and felt just like using protools control surface. It would be very useful if you dont like the feel of a mouse.
Mackie Control

Has anyone been able to use this piece of equipment yet? Any comments or info out there to be aware of? Thanx.
I can't believe they want $1000.00 for that thing. I'll stick with my pain in the ass mouse thank you.