new jazzy song...


New member
hey all...

i've posted a song before as "SheBlondeSwede." However, this is for a new solo project i'm slowly working on. I was hoping to get some input on this new song/recording, if anyone has the time. any comments would be greatly appreciated. this one was done on uber cheap equipment, so please keep that in mind.

song can be found at:


ps - and yes, i actually went down the cheesy street and taped the storm last night. sorry if you're lactose intolerant. i'll take it out if enough people tell me it's retarded.
I like it very much. Very laidback.

There's a lot of "hiss" in the recording but i guess that's because of the uber cheap equipment ;)
It would be very nice to put some easy going jazz drums/bass in here.
Also maybe it gets a little repetitive after a while, so you might like to modulate to another key for a while and then come a little break.

But overall very cool, keep up the good work.

Ivo V.
thanks, man... i'm thinking maybe the excessive "noise" is the rain in the background. i've uploaded a second mix without the rain in there, too...


ps - there's probably still a little noise, but it won't be as white noise/distracting as before.
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I like that style you played. Enjoyed the listen. Just a little smoother on the rythymn, it got a little peaky in some places. The melodic guitar part sounds good to me. Nice voice sound.