New Home Studio


New member
I've read a ton of reviews on the Digi001 and ProTools LE.... I've been thinking about building a home studio to record local bands using the Digi001 as a part of my arsenal.

Ideally, I would like to use an ADAT and mixer (i think) exclusively for the drum tracks and then lay down the vocal, guitar and bass tracks using my PC (PC-P3-800mhz w/ 516 RAM). Will the Digi001 allow me to do this? How is it done?

I know enough about the PC equipment, but what equipment would I need to get the live drum session?
What you are describing would work pretty well. You could use the ADAT 8 channels as digital into the Digi leaving you 8 analog and 2 via S/PDIF.
I'm not knocking ADATs, they are great. But unless you already have the adat there really is no need for it. Your just making the setup more complicated. You could probably just invest that money in a larger interface/sound card.
Tex Roadkill- Thanks for the feedback on ADAT's. I don't have any studio equipment yet, except for my PC.

I'm sort of old school, in that I "think" in need a mixer and ADAT along with my PC+digital soundcard. Computer based recording is new to me... what equipment do I need in my setup?

Again, I want to use my studio to record demos for local bands... perhaps some radio commercials as well. Exactly what do I need?