New hiphop song: "A True Day (ATD)"

Hey, I listened through a few times. Keep in mind I am not familiar with the cource material and am by no means an expert on hip hop production. I have listened to a ton of late '80's through '90's rap though and am a big fan of that period.

This is pretty lo fi sounding overall. That could be ok, but I'm guessing that isn't necessarily what you're going for? I love the intro, but I think it should be shortened some so you can get to the meat of the track quicker. You're asking a lot of the modern listener to hang in there even a short while. I thought the drum/bass arrangement was solid and enjoyable.

The vocals to me were a bit rough. The delivery seemed at times rushed and at others drawn out. I would prefer that you make a choice for one or the other. If you're going to go slow and old school with it I'd stick to that throughout and really work on emphasis and expression with each word. If you're going to go with a faster paced, more modern style I think you need a whole lot more words :).

Production-wise the vocals seemed awfully dry and untreated. Raw can be good, but I'd expect more double tracking, reverb and or delay would make it sit better and add interest.

Don't mean to be harsh - just some suggestions - take it with a grain...
No, no harsh is what I'm asking for, so thank you. And as for the production aspect I'm relatively new to it so I will go back and do just that which you suggested.

As for the fast and slow styles, I like switching it up between them but that's just me. But I think I will re record this and try delivering it better.