New Hip Hop Studio- Need Advice!


New member
Hey, I can tell that there are many people in this thread who know a hell of a lot about production and engineering. I don't have much of a story yet, I guess im just a starry eyed kid trying to make some hiphop music that people can enjoy.
So to be blatantly honest, I came fore some advice. I have been recording in a tiny closet on a yeti usb microphone using garageband to do all my post production (I know, it is very advanced :P)
But next year me and a few friends are getting a place together and we are setting up a studio, most likely in a medium sized bedroom.
I have done some research and with my budget (between 3-4 thousand) I found a couple pieces of equipment that seem appropriate.
For a microphone I am debating between the Rode K2 and the Nuemann TLM 103, any experience with these?
I heard great things about the FMR RNC-1773 compressor, it is also very cheap
I downloaded Logic pro 9, and I was wondering what plugins or tricks you could recommend.
Finally, I was going to spend a few hundred dollars on bass traps and other sound-designing objects.

I know that I have many questions, but I would really appreciate if you veterans could give me some advice.
Thanks for your time