New here, Have a couple of questions...


New member
Hey guys/gals,

I stumbled upon this forum by search, and decided to join up seeing all the good info.

I play guitar/wish I could sing. I record some of my guitar but haven't really gotten beyond recording it. I use Cubase 4 LE with a Presonus Inspire on Windows 7.

What do you guys think about these choices and are they worth trying to make songs with? Or should I sell them and get something better?

Anyway, I have a lot to learn about the music making process. :D
Hey Will, How ya doing and welcome to the zoo. :D

I got cubase 4 le when I purchased a zoom H4n and never used it.

What you might want to do for starters is to down load Reaper for a daw and take a look at that. It's free and full for 30 days then you get nag screen after that but is still fully functionable.
Then if you decide that you like it at some point in time you cough up the $40. or $60, I can't remember which, then it's yours forever.

What microphones are you using now?

The Presonus Inspire is a fine interface as long as you're ok with the number of inputs. Cubase is fine too if you like it. If you don't like it Reaper is an excellent option.
What mic(s) are you using and what are you listening back on? Mics and monitors would be the next thing to focus on.
Well, I'm really just recording guitar (Fender Strat) directly into the interface, no mics for that, but I did get a really cheap mic for singing just to mess around with. I have tried Reaper before, though I never really got around to doing much with it. I'll probably try it again.

I'm listening to it back through some really cheap computer speakers. I want to learn more about adding drum loops or creating a drum map (or whatever you would call it).

Also, if I have my guitar doing directly in, is the sound that I get when playing back the best it will be with my setup or what? It sounds pretty crappy when I play it back, but maybe it's my speakers?
If I have my guitar doing directly in, is the sound that I get when playing back the best it will be with my setup or what? It sounds pretty crappy when I play it back, but maybe it's my speakers?
This is one of the never ending debates that goes through it's seasons at HR. It's generally fun. And informative and you get something of a flavour of some of the folks here, just by the way this topic is approached and debated.
Welcome to the party, the neighbours are cool.
This is one of the never ending debates that goes through it's seasons at HR. It's generally fun. And informative and you get something of a flavour of some of the folks here, just by the way this topic is approached and debated.
Welcome to the party, the neighbours are cool.

Just watch out for the zombies and be sure to always double tap!!! :D

Can anyone tell me why this sounds so bad or if I should expect to sound this bad? I appreciate it, guys.

Sorry for double post.

To be blunt...yes it does sound bad, BUT you should expect it to sound bad. Not because of your gear, but because you're just starting out. You're new. And it won't get perfect overnight. Plus your listening with computer speakers in an untreated room (most likely) so your not getting a true representation of the sound.

Probably the most general consensus is that electric guitar sounds when recorded with a mic'd up amp then when using amp simulators. With that being said, I've heard some great sounding guitars that were recorded direct and run through an amp sim. Do you have a guitar amp?
yeah, that sounds pretty bad, but there's hope. I've never heard a direct recorded guitar that sounded particularly good, so I can't say I'm shocked. so, thats an electric plugged straight into the front of the Inspire? How did you get the distortion? Software plugin?
Do you have an amp? If so, I'd definitely try and mic it. If you're on a tight budget, try one of these I actually have three of those that I use on toms, and they're surprisingly good for the price. You could also look into a modeller like a Pod or whatever Behringers knock off is.
yeah, that sounds pretty bad, but there's hope. I've never heard a direct recorded guitar that sounded particularly good, so I can't say I'm shocked. so, thats an electric plugged straight into the front of the Inspire? How did you get the distortion? Software plugin?
Do you have an amp? If so, I'd definitely try and mic it. If you're on a tight budget, try one of these I actually have three of those that I use on toms, and they're surprisingly good for the price. You could also look into a modeller like a Pod or whatever Behringers knock off is.

Yes, I plugged the guitar directly in through the front. The distortion was from a DS-1 pedal. I have two different amps (Fender Champion 30 and a generic Peavey travel type). I think I'll try it with a mic next time I get the opportunity. How does that mic compare to an SM57 or 58? And is it worth the difference in money? I'm guessing probably not for me, but I don't know. EDIT: I looked at the reviews on that mic and it looks like I'd be stupid to buy an SM57 or 58 over it.

The thing I find odd is how the clean guitar loses so much of its brightness when recording direct. It sounds so dampened for lack of a better word.
I have an SM57 and 2 or 3 GLS ES-57's. I can honestly tell you that the ES57 is worth way more than what you'll pay for it. It won't sound EXACTLY like an SM57, but then again no two mics will sound the same.

Bottom line.......You won't be disappointed if you pick up an ES57 or two or three. Every now and then they have a 15% off sale which makes it an even better deal.

I think you'll be much happier with your recordings. ;)
GLS is having one of their 15% off sales right now which makes the ES57 an even sweeter deal.

Below is copied from an email:

Be sure not to miss our 15% Off Entire Order Coupon code 15PC1110. It
will expire today 11-8-2010 at 10PM Pacific Time. Enter 15PC1110 when
checking out. This coupon is only valid for new orders placed online
at (the coupon is not valid for previous orders,
dealer orders, eBay orders, Amazon orders, or repairs.)
GLS is having one of their 15% off sales right now which makes the ES57 an even sweeter deal.

Below is copied from an email:

Be sure not to miss our 15% Off Entire Order Coupon code 15PC1110. It
will expire today 11-8-2010 at 10PM Pacific Time. Enter 15PC1110 when
checking out. This coupon is only valid for new orders placed online
at (the coupon is not valid for previous orders,
dealer orders, eBay orders, Amazon orders, or repairs.)

Thanks so much, man! I'm going to go use it now. Man, I love this forum already! :D

I just want to make sure, it doesn't come with a cable, right? Just making sure.
Okay. There is a bundle that comes with a 25ft cable for $10 more. Do you think that would be a good enough cable or should I just buy one separate from somewhere else?