New Hard Drive


New member
I have bought a new hard drive and want to use it just for audio (cubase drectory). Previously I have just had the one hard drive. A couple of questions.

1. Do I install it as a slave or a separate master drive.
2. Do I install my audio software on this new drive or leave it where it is.

Forgive me I am computer no go.

if u want u can have it as a slave in the first channel too, or a master on the second it purly up to u
For best performance, the audio drive should be on a separate IDE interface by itself.

If you set it up as a slave on the primary interface, it shares the IDE bus with the system drive and will occasionally compete with the audio and/or system software for bandwidth.
Scotty said:
For best performance, the audio drive should be on a separate IDE interface by itself.

If you set it up as a slave on the primary interface, it shares the IDE bus with the system drive and will occasionally compete with the audio and/or system software for bandwidth.
True, but I have a hard-drive set up on my second audio computer as a slave on the same IDE interface as my program drive, and can easily pull 50+ tracks without my system even breaking a sweat, and it is a only a modest machine (AMD XP1900+ w/ 1GB PC21000 DDR 2xWestern Digital 80GB 7200RPM). Fully loaded with insert and send FX, I average about 24 Audio tracks, and half a dozen VST instruments, before I need to mess with buffers.