New Guitar Day-again

Maple veneer - diddly squat difference.

Maple cap - you would expect to get a bit more "bite" than alder or poplar. How much is in the lap of the Gods. Personally I like a tele that has that bright attack so it kind of suits me which is why I built two when I had one commissioned.

Thanks for the info-it surely is a maple veneer since the guitar's in the $200 range-the poplar must be adding quite a bit of high end then, too.

I use it a lot as it really cuts through the mix even when using the out of phase setting and the top end rolled off. It's one of those guitar sounds that you can hear without it setting the snare off every time you dig into it.;)

I had played Strats live for probably 30 years, I don't take them out much any more though. Since I got my first Tele and played it at a gig and like you said-it cuts through the mix like magic-I've always taken a Tele for all my live electric gigs..
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