New Gear Setup Questions...


New member
Ok, here's my setup.

Agile Douglas Guitar

Sonic Foundry Sound Forge 6.0

My situation:

I'm looking to record my guitar after going thru the Podxt directly into my laptop. I've heard some clips out there of some of the recordings that others have done with the podxt, and for some reason mine doesn't sound as good. I'm hooking the Podxt directly into my computer via the usb connection and recording directly into sound forge at 16bit with the levels set as hot as I can on the pod side without any clipping. I don't get any sort of weird anomalies or anything, it just sounds dry and weak. I'm trying to avoid any post production that's not neccesary; am I doing something wrong, or just going about it the wrong way? This is my first time using the podxt, so my guess is that I'm just a newbie at it, and that's the reason. I've got all the latest firmware on the podxt so I know that's not the prob. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Thats exactly how I record. Straight from the PODXT via usb. I use Sonar 4 but it should work fine in sound forge. Are you using your POD as your playback soundcard as well or are you using your onboard soundcard. I've only had good experiences recording direct....what you hear is what you get.
When I go to the computer's Sound Volume Panel, I go to select the PodXT as the source, and it gives me one fader in the recording panel. I just want it to sound just the way it does in my headphones once recorded. I'm going to be getting a good set of monitors soon, so that will help some I'm sure.. just seems to be something lacking.. or are all the clips I hear from people using the pod after the post production? I'll post some dry takes up here soon to show ya what I'm talking about.
Since your recording USB staight into your program you should be getting a true sound from your pod. I wish I had a good answer for ya but I don't see why you would get an untrue sound recorded.
If i was in my studio I'd isolate a track or two and shoot em' over. I'm at work right now. Sorry
Connect the PODxt directly to your headphones (or whatever you use to monitor). The recorded sound should be identical to that one. If it's different, then there's something wrong with your soundcard, and you should check that out for problems.

If it sounds weak, then you are probably going to have to do some editing to the sound, i.e. EQ, some compression, etc.