new gear I need?


New member
ok well heres my setup-

I have a pentium III 850 mhz computer with a audigy platinum card with 160 ram and 40 gig hard drive running cool edit pro
also xp pro- which DOES make a difference.
Basic eurorack mx 6 channel mixer. I also have a sm-58 and a sm-57 microphone.

My question is wat basic gear do I need to "polish". I have a huge problem with hiss and would love to know a low cost purchase i could make to improve recording sound. I generally use my sm-57 for recording my accoustic guitar and such. I love the "vintage" sound , however i need to "refine" my control over the recording sound.
I'd say a couple of SD Condensers, like ADK sc-1. Great for acoustic guitar, and they sure can sound crappy if you want them to ;)
Seriously though, great mic for the money.
A new soundcard could be nice - say, an RME card with lightpipe connections and perhaps a nice little AD/DA like the mindprint DI-port.
Or better yet! - Buy a used reel-reel 8-track like the fostex A-8. Now we're talking lo-fi...
I've had gear similar or identical to yours.

You need a better soundcard. M-Audio Audiophile ($139) is the least I recommend. Delta 44 is worth the extra $ if you can afford it.

You need better microphones. Oktava Mc012 or Marshall MXL603s can be had for $150 pair. They smoke the 57.

You need better preamps. M-Audio DMP3 ($150) is nice--much better than the behringer. You can use the behringer for a headphone amp.
Last post was nothing but a wealth of good, solid, usable advice. You will spend tons more, but those are your best "next steps" Nicely done!!!!!
In His Name
Big Kenny
If it was me, deffinately I'd step up the sound card first.

Your set-up sounds a lot like mine a year ago.

I remember recording on my audigy- it was alright, but the same noisy mess you say you're in.

Bought a Delta 44, and wow did my world change.

But now I'm looking to buy a 8in 8out card, RME if I can get a steal or a Delta1010 don't know what will become of my Delta 44- probably sell it.

Year ago I was:
Eurorack 1604A
Shure SM 57
some crappy dynamic mics
Creative Labs speakers

Now I still have a Eurorack, but never use it.
SP VTB-1 for pre-amp
Delta 44 audio interface
A synth
Studio Project C1 for vocal primary
2 SM 57s
Voodu Valve
Pod XT
Patchy Bay
Yorkville YSM-i
and more

I think the only purcahse I'm sometimes dissapointed with is my Pod XT, but other than that- good stuff. And I have most people here to thank, especially their handy links to many upon many articles to feed my brain with great knowledge- which I think is one of the best things I've gained. I think it's made the biggest sound difference in my songs, than the actual gear I've bought and upgraded.

I know my music can use much improvement, but I don't even want to think where it would be at this day without this site and board- probably damn near the same noisy-muddy sounding stuff..

maybe this isn't the right time to write this I've been drinking a little :) But I think I would be saying near the same thing sober, ha ha
Re: so

indiefolk said:
ok well I got close to $350 to get my next purchase, what should i get first?

Thanks for the compliment BK.

I agree with Nosferous. The very first thing I upgraded was my soundcard. Digitalproaudio has them for $139. Guitar Center should match that price.

The DMP3 may be discontinued. You can get them now for $149 at Digitalproaudio.

However, here's a twist. Digitalproaudio is also selling the M-Audio Tampa dual preamp compressor for $349.

Now I see 8thstreet has lowered their prices on the DMP3 and Tampa as well--not as low as digitalproaudio, though. But I think they match prices.

Anyway, the Tampa has been selling for $649 since its introduction over a year ago, and it has received good reviews. It's a lot of preamp for $349, and this may be an opportunity for you to pickup a bargain.