New Drum Mics

If Chessrock were here he'd say
"ummmmmm, okay"

Well, he hasn't popped his head in yet, so maybe we could keep things positive. O.P., let the board know when you try em out, I'm sure many people here would like to hear about em. Big Kenny, at least it's not another mic pre thread, or someone asking "hello there i bought new mics how do they sound because i already bought them so asking people how they sound makes more sense than just plugging them in and judging for myself ill return them if you think they suck". I enjoy new information, as opposed to the stagnant hearsay that gets kicked around here ad nauseum.
OK, I will admit my posting is not the best, as pointed out by Big Kenny.

I am not an expert. This IS a home recording forum, right?

I researched the mics, liked what I read, and bought them. I don't expect to try them out and return them. If they suck then it is my own fault.

Actually, from what I read about the Avant CV-12, I wish I had bought that too...

I will let the forum know how the drum mics sound...


I am not an expert. This IS a home recording forum, right?

yeah, i made that mistaken assumption when i started coming here too. there are a lot of experts here. some with professional credentials (when harvey gerst speaks, we listen), some with intra-forum credentials (this is a shout out, not a slam, to everyone that's proven themselves around here), and a whole bunch that have been annointed by their own unproven expertise. but by and large, you'll find that we're all in this together, and we're all trying to help and learn from each other. stick around, you'll see how it works.

word to the wise: this thread would be better off in the drumming forum, for whatever reason...hey, we drummers are a little dumb and therefore more forgiving i guess? :D
well, i'm a pianist/violinist transmogrified into a drummer, and then into a drummer/guitarist/singer/songwriter, so what the hell does that make me???

i shudder to think. :eek:

Not too sure, but I assume that you only have to read posts once to understand them and you prob dont need a dictionary:)