
New member
So this is definitely the wrong place to post this question, becuase I imagine that everyone in this forum is either a Cubase user or advocates the use of Cubase over any other DAW. So I have Cubase LE4 and have become a little dissapointed in the workflow of the Cubase plateform. My question is, should I upgrade to Cubase 5 even though I am not totally sold on the LE4, or should I go to a different DAW, and if so, which one? any input is appreciated.
It's hard to advise you something that is often a matter of personal preference. I personally like the Cubase workflow. A lot of DAWs have free trails. Give a bunch of them a go and see which you prefer.

Start with Reaper. It's much cheaper than all the others, and just as functional.
if you want to try something different with worflows perhaps try presonus studio one or ableton...both have fully functional demos, and both step away from the norm

I use Live..I love it...its like an instrument as well as a DAW
I' a Sonar guy and they have the Sonar 8.5 demo on their website. I think one of the best things about Sonar is the forum and all the support you get from the Sonar community!
I use sonar studio 8....mostly i record in Live then mix the stems in be honest if I hadnt bought it first id probably not use it at all..

not that there's anything wrong with sonar its just too fully featured with stuff i dont use, using envelopes in it is tiresome, and it gives up so much real estate to buttons and borders etc when im stuck using only one monitor at the moment

though I havent used cubase but I'd imagine if you dont get on with wont get on with sonar either
thanks for the input. ableton and studio one are probably going to be the first demos I try. Reason also looks pretty good but it is good to know what you guys think. If you have any more suggestions for me that would be great. thanks a lot for all the responses.
thanks for the input. ableton and studio one are probably going to be the first demos I try. Reason also looks pretty good but it is good to know what you guys think. If you have any more suggestions for me that would be great. thanks a lot for all the responses.

reason is only midi...and only its instruments. To record audio with it you need another programme called Record, and even then it wont take outside instruments or effects..

Ive tried the demo and its a nice programme but Ive invested too much in other vst's to give up on them..and I cant be doing with rewire :(
I tried Sonar after using Cubase for an update and didn't like it... but it has everything you need. Now I use Cubase 5 and rocks, the vocal tuner included is awesome and also the others hi quality vst's like Reverb and Stereo Delay. Visually is a lot more easy to use than Sonar IMHO.
If you want to change from Cubase go to Protools, like everybody says: it's the industry standard (but Cubase is getting there :D).
If you want to change from Cubase go to Protools, like everybody says: it's the industry standard (but Cubase is getting there :D).

Unless you are going to go with some $10,000 Pro Tools HD system, it may not be worth it. Sure it'll get you some practice with an 'industry standard' workflow, but if you buy Pro Tools as is for home computers, you're going to have to spend a buttload on upgrades to get the level of functionality that you get as standard with the likes of Cubase and Reaper. Pro Tools without upgrades has a very limited number of tracks you can put into one tune for a start.