New Cover: Damien Rice - Delicate


New member
I cover Damo's track from O entitled "Delicate." It can be found here,

I would love some feedback on a few things:

1. The dynamics of the vocals. I always have troubles keeping my vocals levels in place, they are either too soft or really loud. Because of this, I normally have to go back and either edit the vocal track up or down a lot. How do you sing with dynamics but still come through with the same volume as your backing instruments and whatnot?

2. How is the EQ for vocal/guitar? I plugged my guitar in, which I know isn't preferred. But, Its the only way I can do both at the same time with the setup I have. So, how are the trebles, mids, basses coming through? What am I doing right/wrong? I really know nothing about EQing and don't have much of an ear for it. I would appreciate any help you could give.

pretty good, vocals were generally at a good volume level, and they were definitely not too soft. There were a few places where i thought the vocals could be turned down a tad, but it was not a big deal at all. Only thing that bothered me was how crappy the guitar sounds. I suppose it's a sound i could live with, but it really doesnt sound as great as it could if you were able to mic it.

EDIT: although you did this to some extent, i think the dynamics of the song could be emphasized a bit more. What i mean is play softer during some parts and play louder during other parts. I know you did this already, but i think it would be better if you exaggerated the dynamics a bit more. I don't know how Damien Rice's version of this song goes, i have only heard "The Professor" by him (great song!), and one great thing about it is that he has good dynamics in that song. You can really tell the emotion he puts into it especially with the large contrasts in dynamics.
SKYflyer said:
pretty good, vocals were generally at a good volume level, and they were definitely not too soft. There were a few places where i thought the vocals could be turned down a tad, but it was not a big deal at all. Only thing that bothered me was how crappy the guitar sounds. I suppose it's a sound i could live with, but it really doesnt sound as great as it could if you were able to mic it.

EDIT: although you did this to some extent, i think the dynamics of the song could be emphasized a bit more. What i mean is play softer during some parts and play louder during other parts. I know you did this already, but i think it would be better if you exaggerated the dynamics a bit more. I don't know how Damien Rice's version of this song goes, i have only heard "The Professor" by him (great song!), and one great thing about it is that he has good dynamics in that song. You can really tell the emotion he puts into it especially with the large contrasts in dynamics.

Yeah. I think a mic really lets the sound come out more, especially when a song requires you to finger strum and such. But, its also hard to track vocals separately because there are lots of pauses and whatnot. But, it is also a $300 Fender accoustic/electric, =P

EDIT: And yes, he does a fantastic job with the dynamics in The Professor. =D
DRMS_7888 said:
Yeah. I think a mic really lets the sound come out more, especially when a song requires you to finger strum and such. But, its also hard to track vocals separately because there are lots of pauses and whatnot.

Yeah, acoustic instruments should REALLY be mic'd, lol. It's a good performance on your part, but I'd totally recommend you tracking the acoustic seperately. As for your comment above, that's what metronomes are for. Track the guitar to a click...then singing to the track is easy.

Seeing him perform this tune on Austin City Limits was one of my favorite musical moments. Yeah, just mic the guitar. It sounds easy enough, but getting a good acoustic guitar sound is one of the biggest challenges I've run across in recording, but it's worth it.

Best of luck
Too slow...from the sound of it you're trying to mimic is version as closely as possible.

If that's the case, your version is way too slow.

Also, overall, it's too quiet, at least the first run through of the verse and chorus (guitars and vocals both)....then it got all loud...try to even out the levels.
Nutdotnet said:
Too slow...from the sound of it you're trying to mimic is version as closely as possible.

If that's the case, your version is way too slow.

Also, overall, it's too quiet, at least the first run through of the verse and chorus (guitars and vocals both)....then it got all loud...try to even out the levels.

I will keep that in mind.