New Computer Rig with Logic Express


New member
I am getting into home recording to record drum tracks for practice and production purposes and I have a few questions.

1). I am getting the newest 13 inch macbook pro with logic express running snow leopard for the purpose of close miking a entire drumkit. My interface is going to be the Presonus FP10.

How much difference will the 2.4 GHZ processor make over the 2.66?

2.) THe Fp10 also comes with a host of plugins. Would those work within Logic Express 9.
Forget about the computer's clock frequency. 2.66 or 2.4 will hardly matter at all...

What is important, is how much RAM you have in there. Go for 4 GB and you'll be allright.
if your just recording drum tracks...just buy the computer and do it..your already set. Alll ne macbook pro's come stock with 4GB RAM.