new computer, old soundcard

randy jackson

New member
Hello out there. This my first post, although I've been following this forum for a good while. I purchased a core 2 when it first came out,sadly, and although its only a 24/48, and it was a whopping pain in the ass for a long while, it sounds good and all, and it does the main job of transferring my adat to my cakewalk thru lightpipe. But of course, they don't support xp, and my new comp. is an hp 2.53 w/ 160g at 7200 w/512ddr and firewire pentium4. Question 1; can I partition my harddrive and install w98 on one side while running the other w/xp?, and question 2; have you seen the press on the delta 410 firewire? This card has pretty much everything on it including the optical I need, plus midi for $400. Question 3; With a card like this, can I use midi sync to clock with so I don't have to burn a track striping? I like to use a generic beat to start writing and then on the back end punch up the drum tracks. I start with my digital tascam tmd1000(I know, another wierd choice of gear) into my alesis lx20, then dump all 8 tracks back thru the tmd1000, adding effects then, and into cakewalk 9.0. I can't believe the learning curve of this crap, by the time I figured out how to work all this stuff, the equipment was outdated! In 1984, I bought my first 4-track and wrote 23 complete songs in 3 me........