new computer MAC or PC????

elevate, are you saying the G4 is faster than a fully loaded Athlon XP?

This argument is ridiculous. I own and use a G4 all the time, but I can't stand the attitude of all the blind Mac users. There is no way in hell that the Mac G4 at its current speeds can touch the Athlon XP for speed. NO WAY IN HELL. This has been proven numerous times by numerous testers. If you want confirmation, go scour the Apple site and see if they have posted any speed comparisons lately between and Athlon and a Mac. See if they've posted any comparisons using music software. See if they've posted comparisons of ANY software. They stopped doing those when they started to be unfavorable to Apple. Even on Photoshop, the difference is just not there anymore. Now if you insist on believing that the Mac is faster, more power to you. It's fine to be stubborn and wrong, I do it all the time. But it doesn't change reality.

I bought a G4 for one reason, and that is because I run Pro Tools TDM. If it wasn't for that, I would only use a PC. There is no reason to use a system that's twice the price for that much less performance.