New chilled pop song

Cool I like the vibe! While listening I imagine a nice summer day outside, but the reality is that it's raining now:P (to bad). The vocals are very cristal clear and the singers vocal abillities are impressive!

Vey nice song. The high hat was a bit annoying, but I listened with headphones, so take that with a grain of salt.
Thx a lot :) BTW: it's no electric drum kit, it's a very small gretch kit with a real drummer playing it ;) Hard to mix that one, the kick is too small for this world :D

Thank you

- Ulli -
Thx a lot :) BTW: it's no electric drum kit, it's a very small gretch kit with a real drummer playing it ;) Hard to mix that one, the kick is too small for this world :D

Thank you

- Ulli -

I never, in a kazillion years, would have thought that was a real kit. Don't get me totally suits the song, but no way does it sound real. Wow.
Sounds pretty good. The instrumentation is good.

The vocals could probably use some sibilance reduction. The reverb picked up some of those "s"es and bounced them around a lot.

Other than that, no complaints. Nice work.