New Card


New member
Okay, ive decided, My SoundBummer Live! is gunna have to go... or at least have somthing take it place while recording.

Now, im looking for a card that has at least 2 inputs (4 channels, being 2 stereo) that i can use a a multi-tracking program to record, and is of good quality. External would be lovley. Would prefer it not to be firewire because that just means i have to spent more money... and thats a pain.

M-Box stylie would be great but lets face it um not going that route as i cant afford Pro tools, not even lite!

All the computer geeks i know dont have a clue about cards for recording.. and im sure that theres a difference.

Also, i seem to remember seeing a Yamaha card somewhere, are they any good? (im a kinda yamaha junkie, ive got a SPX-90, a PSR-100 keyboard, and a A100 power amp :rolleyes:)

Hope this is in the right forum, i couldnt really see a "Computer hardware" forum..
EDIT : DOH im so dumb! :p Computer Recording and Soundcards..
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