Not my style of music but for what it's worth...the mix is good and playing is good.
- Drums are nice and dark
- guitar is raunchy
- bass is clear and fat
- vocals ride above everything well (although without the lyric sheet I couldn't understand a thing you were saying (lol).
I guess this is a fun song hmmm ...what's that smell?
haha thanks man. Its my first stab at recording. This is my one man as you can tell i like to have fun with it :)
Whatsup Guys.

Hey dudes, I know the song is ridiculous so dont freak out when you hear it :D
We were totally joking around when we made it. But i actually like the way it turned out. :eek:

Thanks for listening dudes.
with the lo-fi play i really cant comment on the mix, im dial-up :( (effin soundclick wont let you download the full mp3, without sign-in -- bastards)

but i did like the last part with the multiple screams/growl... effin sweet

'demonomania' was good too.. nice old school hardcore-ish with a touch of death

whats the deal with GoreGorge trying to hi-jack this thread
seismetr0n said:
whats the deal with GoreGorge trying to hi-jack this thread

im not "hijacking" it...if n e thing i got this going it had 30 something views but no there ya go i got ya some responce. Im just showin a death metal bro my shit. btw ill listen to ur stuff when i go to my pc is jacked up.