New band, new style, new mixing methods


So, I've got a new band in the works. We're currently writing for an EP, and I'd like to get some feedback on how my mixing is turning out so far. I've begun using Reaper exclusively, and as such have adopted a new method of mixing, so I'm looking for any feedback on it.
Be aware that this song is unfinished right now, and the guitars are direct in, so they probably sound not-so-good.

Also looking for band name suggestions as we are stumped on coming up with one (we were thinking maybe Alioth but I don't know).
Anyway, thanks in advance for listening!

Edit: Also, ignore the couple vocal glitches in there. I was messing around with Autotune and forgot to make a backup of the original wavs first :(
The vocals are too soft and being drowned out by the guitars. Your guitars are competing for the same frequency band as the vocals, coupled with the fact that there's so much reverb, it makes the whole mix sound a bit muddy. Try a little guitar EQ cut in the vocal frequency band and bring up vox a bit for starters. It's hard to comment on the vocals because they are so hard to hear. Drums are hard to hear in most of it also. Maybe just bringing down the guitar levels a bit would solve most of it.

Like the song. Performance wise, it sounds good. The vocals are in tune. Just fix a couple EQ issues and it should sound pretty good.