new amp


New member
so i blew my amp the other day i was jammin with soem friends. We started to play smells liek teen spirit at the end of practice and i had my footpedal and ampy on 10 :eek: . The speaker is buzzing so bad, should i buy a replacemtn or save for a whole new amp. BTW it was a little practice amp i blew.
stop playing smells like teen spirit :p :p

seriously tho, how crappy was the amp? It sounds like it will be more expensive to replace the speaker than to just buy a whole new amp. Mabye if you were just using a practice amp it is time to upgrade......
yah it was a POS, i decided to upgrade. i found a vox that im liking. smells liek teen spirit is the all time greatest jamming song. freakin easy though :p