New 1010 issue

Fire Dome

New member
Hey literally 2 hours ago i recieved my delta 1010 and set straight to work installing it etc. I have just noticed that when i run my sequencer (cubase SL2.2) the processor bar is registering some drain on the processor. This is happening with no audio or plug ins in the project or even any playback or recording.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what would be causing this and how to stop it.

My computer spec is AMD athlon 64 3500, 1024 ram, Xp Pro.

Cheers in advance

is it a dedicated DAW or a "do it all" computer? Dissable everything you don't usse for recording.
whats up highlanders! i agree with lemon tree...disable any pop up blockers, internet security stuff and even your printer. unplug your internet connection while your internet security stuff is disabled if you fear being hit with viruses or what not.
And don't forget, a small amount of processor drain comes from things such as a mouse. Open the task manager, and move your mouse around, and see if you have about 2 % there. I use a wireless mouse, and mine is zero unless I move the mouse.
It is a dedicated DAW, no internet, no printer or even MS word etc.
I am getting about 7% with no mouse movement or anything.
Could it be something to do with buffer sizes?

I didn't have this problem with my tascam us-122, could my pci slot be a bit dodgy? If i move it to a different one should this make any difference? I don't really wan't to be poking around inside my computer too much.

Cheers again
With useage being only 7%, I'd just try it out and see how it works. Don't worry right now about the monitoring, and see how the system performs with music. If you notice nothing different from before, it is probably not worth worrying about. You can go to, and run through the tests, and see if any applications are running that you don't know. Might help, might not. Moving the card to a new pci slot shouldn't change anything, unless there is a problem with the slot.
Cheers Ed. There isn't any difference from before in terms of audio playback or recording so i'll just live with it.

Thanks everyone.
