Neve 5432 8x2 Suitcase Mixer


New member
I'm a bit of a noob to recording/mixing out of the box, so I have some questions about a Neve 5432 I am getting. It has no direct outs, and a a limited aux section - one knob and buttons for Aux 1 and Aux 2, so they both get the same level. There is also a Pre-Fader switch which effects both.

I guess I'm just not sure exactly how the routing would work with this. Let's say I wanted to use it to track drums. How would I use outboard gear (compressors/reverb/etc).

What are some practical uses for a board like this? I was going to sell/trade it but am seriously thinking about keeping it if i can find a use for it in my setup.
It would serve better as a summing unit than anything else. I don't even recall them having insert points. The preamps have huge gain if I recall (something completely absurd like 80dB) but without being able to actually put them somewhere you could only get the stereo output (and I suppose technically, you could tap off the aux sends also).

I'd go to sell/trade route. I've seen them go for ridiculous money (and I still have no idea why except that they say "NEVE" on them). Definitely enough for a nice collection of preamps or a modern Neve summing mixer...


*90dB* of gain. :eek: And I saw a few in the $5-6,000 range. And yes - No insert points and non-Neve-ish sounding preamps. Nice piece, yes. 1073 sound? No. But if you could dump it quick in the $4-5k range, you could certainly grab some nice stuff...
Looking into the Toft ATB 8 Channel desk. How does the Toft ATB compare to the Trident Fleximix? I have a 10 input module, 2 group, 1 aux strip, 1 master strip Fleximix console also coming my way, though if the Toft ATB is a better unit, I would sell both the Neve and Fleximix.