Neumann TLM 49 vs. S.E. Electronics Gemini vs. AKG 414


New member
I currently own the S.E. Electronics Gemini going into the True Systems P-Solo Mic Pre into a DBX 166XL Compressor. I was checking up on some other possible condensers mainly for vocals. I'm not sure if the Neumann TLM 49 would be an upgrade from the Gemini or just a crossgrade. I know the 414 is a very transparent mic. I'm looking for a clear, warm sound. The Gemini seems to be doing a decent job at giving me the sound I want, but something seems like it's missing. Maybe I need to upgrade my compressor to an empirical labs Distressor. Any comments/suggestions/pointers would be much appreciated.
The "best" mic in the world is useless if it doesn't suit your voice. Figure out your budget and go test out a bunch, or find a shop with a good return policy that will let you take a few home and return the ones you don't like.
At those prices, I'd have a look at the Brauner Phantom as well, which is an absolutely beautiful mic. Nice and warm with a crisp high end, its very clear and very transparent. It works well on a number of different sources, sounds great on a load of acoustic instruments.
I currently own the S.E. Electronics Gemini going into the True Systems P-Solo Mic Pre into a DBX 166XL Compressor. I was checking up on some other possible condensers mainly for vocals. I'm not sure if the Neumann TLM 49 would be an upgrade from the Gemini or just a crossgrade. I know the 414 is a very transparent mic. I'm looking for a clear, warm sound. The Gemini seems to be doing a decent job at giving me the sound I want, but something seems like it's missing. Maybe I need to upgrade my compressor to an empirical labs Distressor. Any comments/suggestions/pointers would be much appreciated.
What are your acoustics like?
Eeesh, who knows. I have had great success with SM7s, AT4050s, and Baby Bottles (which I am not sure why folks categorize as being so one trick ponyish as I find it damn similar to the AT4050 in cardioid). All of those mics will give you a clear warm sound on the right voice and the AT especially is going to compare to the 414 in versatility. Maybe look at an AT4047 too? You are just going to have to try some out as I have 6 go to mics for vocals depending on who the singer is... hell even an SM57 gets dragged out from time to time.