Neumann TLM 103

Depends on what the money is... I got mine for $400, and considering that, yes, its worth the money. Find one used or on ebay. Its a good usuable mic.
The 4050 isnt a bad recommendation either, but it kinda feels good to have a Neumann, even a cheaper one. :)
I like the 103 a lot, and think it's well worth the money, but only if it sounds good to you on what you're going to record with it. There isn't a mic out there that someone doesn't sound bad through, so it's always possible to have a TLM 103 be the wrong mic for you. If you can, try one out first. All in all though, and keeping in mind that it's a fixed polar pattern, I think it's a fine sounding mic.
Cheers, RD
I own a matched-pair of 103s. I love mine...

On vocals, it either works or it doesn't. I notice when it doesn't right away as it's either hollow or has sibilance problems.

On acoustic guitar, I love the sound I can get by using some unconventional positioning:

I put 1 103 at the far bottom edge of the guitar, angled up and across the front of the guitar so that mic's reach can pick-up the sound-hole and the top of the body wood resonance. The other 103 I place from behind at about the player's ear level on the neck-side of the guitar. Positioning the angle of the mic can be a bit difficult, as the mic's reach needs to be down the neck (without the closest frets being way too dominant) and pointing across the top of the body and sound-hole.

Try it with other mics and mic patterns... Even mix and match mics!

I've been using 103s as overheads since I bought them the year they came out! They're GREAT for that, once you finally the right positioning for them... It takes awhile...

On a snare or tom, I find the tight low-end (typical Neumann character) and it's presence peak perfect for them! Of course, they're rather slow due to the heavy diaphragm (like most large-diaphragm condensers), but that's the way it is... I can't afford one micron SPA condensers for my drums... :(
Well, what do you already have?

I'd say it's different from a U87 in many ways even when the U87 is in cardioid pattern. I set up an A/B male/female vocal session in my old studio some 5 years ago (Neumann U87, Telefunken U47, AKG Solidtube, Neumann TLM193, Neumann TLM103, Neumann TLM170, RCA 44BX, RCA 74b jr., Coles 4038, B.L.U.E. Blueberry, and an AKG C12) and listened to the difference blind and the 103 performed within the top 5. I think the ONLY complaint I have with the 103 is it doesn’t have switchable patterns but with a combination of a small diaphragm mic on acoustic it sounded pretty good. I'm still apt to use the U87 before the 103 but the 103 has a bit more girth than the U87 and top end dependant on the type of acoustic guitar used.

Really it comes down to experimentation between the musician, mic, and engineer.

--Adam Lazlo
littledog said:
You use the 103 on a snare? Mine is so hot, close mic'ing a snare would blow up any preamp I own.

Oh Yeah!!! A 103 1" or so in and 3-4" above with NO pad... Yeah baby!!!

Gotta have some real headroom! The DaviSound "Mic-All" preamps I use have about +32dBV! The current OSA preamps have about that too! The new RNP comes in just under at almost +28!
I dig the 103. The studio I freelance at has a pair and I find them useful on a bunch of things. They are a great all around mic.
I've never really auditioned TLM103, but it seems to be one of those "hit or miss" mics. It's either right or it's not, and there's no question. People on the board seem to either love them or hate them. I've heard very nice vocal and acoustic guitar tracks done with a pair of them, as well as Michael's piano, which is very pretty, BTW.-Richie
Hey Recording Engineer. I am dying to know what you think ab out those Davisound pre's. I have looking and looking at them. What a great price too. They sound like the shiznit for classical work like strings and violins. I bet acoustic sounds like a dream on them too.

PLease let me know
Got TLM103 and I consider it to be worth much more than they go for actually. If mine got stolen today, I'd buy a new tomorrow.

Whelp, it's certainly no secret that I love ALL my DaviSound gear... With a some more to arrive any week now, another pair shortly after, and another HUGE piece due late Fall or otherwise early Spring!

What do I think about them? Well, ALL their gear is a "no-brainer" for me now... And I simply will NEVER again do a recording without at least a pair of the "Mic-All" preamps!!! Truth is, at this price, you can afford to have nearly as many "Mic-All" preamps as tracks you record at one given time.

I like the "Mic-All" preamps so much that I am longer interested in spending money on any other "transparent/colorless" -type preamps! I'm not going to be spending 2-3 times the price while the "Mic-All" preamps are at the least, "just as nice".

And yes, the "Mic-All" preamps are something to be desired for classical and acoustic, but certainly NOT limited, I sure can vouch for that!

I also have the TB-1... Completely different animal! Man, you can hear the FET input and Class A output gain stages! I'm talking it's completely obvious! No sublty there! You can even switch the tube gain stage In/Out! It's a whole world of 2nd Harmonic distortion! mmm...

Want a singer/songwriter stereo acoustic guitar with single vocal clip?

I am immensely interested in the davisound stuff particularly the TB-6 for my drums. I'd personally love to hear some simple stuff where you can really get a listen to it.
