I noticed this image - the dynamic and condenser versions of the BCM mics, have orange or green label bands to denote them being different - but in this photo, the band is black? Nothing on the Neumann site. Anyone heard anything about a new model?
Just guessing here . . hard to tell without seeing the logo on the front. I've seen a few pics where the green band appears almost black in shadows or low light. But the one in your pic does appear to be black.
Here's a pic where it's dark enough to slip by as black under certain conditions. Looks solid black in the shadow of the mount.
I think that probably is it? I just looked at the green curtains and figured green was OK, and the green band on mine is quite obvious. I reviewed both these mics and while a bit odd (in that you cannot tilt them) they're actually nice. I wondered if maybe they had snuck in a new model?