neighbor gave me Cubasis


New member
So my neighbor comes over this morning and gives me Cubasis VST 4.0. He knows I'm getting into recording from my computer. I know this is an older program but is it worth using?? The stuff I record is pretty straight forward, I don't use midi, and I only record instrumental guitar stuff, maybe a vocal thingy hear and there, and maybe a small amount of keyboard stuff. I just haven't heard much on this since it is older. I just figured since he had never used it and it's sitting here new in box it might be worth a stab.... care to comment??
Throw it away and get Reaper. ;)

My only experience with Cubasis is the version that shipped with early models of the Tascam US-122 and it was seriously limited in almost every way. I upgraded to Cubase SE and found it quite a bit easier to use. Not sure about the version you have.
scrubs said:
Throw it away and get Reaper. ;)

My only experience with Cubasis is the version that shipped with early models of the Tascam US-122 and it was seriously limited in almost every way. I upgraded to Cubase SE and found it quite a bit easier to use. Not sure about the version you have.

Exactly the same thing happened me! It's fine to learn the basic pronciples on, and if you upgrade to SE, you won't believe the difference it makes.
scrubs said:
Throw it away and get Reaper. ;)

My only experience with Cubasis is the version that shipped with early models of the Tascam US-122 and it was seriously limited in almost every way. I upgraded to Cubase SE and found it quite a bit easier to use. Not sure about the version you have.

Me, too! 'Cept I really liked it and it worked fine. Of course, when I "upgraded" to Cubase LE I thought, "Wow, this rawks!"

Even if you decide to get something different for recording, keep the Cubasis. It's got a top shelf MP3 encoder.
I got Cubasis VST 4, and Patchmix DSP with an EMU 0404 sound card, and I can't get a track recorded it seems.

There seems to be not enough general instructions. Can anyone help me through recording two tracks?

I'm going through a little Behringer 1202 mixer, and this thing chaps my hide if it's not turned all the way up with the gain it seems like it doesn't record vocals, if the gain knob is less than 75% ....I get no vocals.

I can't get two consistant recordings, It's like a mystery to me. I will get channel 1 on cubasis on mono, and record something and not like it and go to erase it and then record again and listen to the play back and nothing. But sometimes I get something.

I started with a new track, Mic'd up my guitar, got the levels set on the shitty mixer and got it to where it sounded pretty good, but it was really low volume on the playback.

Then I tried to record vocals, On cubasis I panned to the right, and selected channel 3 mono. As I recorded I listened to the 1st track, and it was all buzzy and even sounded like it played backwards.

Man, It makes me not want to record. I still have to learn all the other stuff like setting parameters, that seem to be not consistant either. I'll set the parameters way out and listen to the playback and it will have cut of the song in the middle.

I have to admit I am not very computer saavy or recording saavy. I have to learn this shit, Editing, splicing, mixing seem a million miles away and unatainabe. What happened to just push record?