Need two more inserts for Tascam Porta two


New member
I wonder if somebody can help me:
As the Tascam Porta Two has only Inserts for the channels 1+2, i wonder if it is possible to build two more inserts for channel 3+4. Does anybody know by chance, if there are any problems to watch out.
As i love the creamy lofi-sound of the machine, i don´t want to switch to 244 or 246. (As some Reel-Person would maybe recommend me :-)
I have the Porta Two, too, so I can totally relate!!

Unfortunately, you're in DIY-land on that one! I don't see any reason it couldn't be done, given that you have the service manual and full schematics. It seems that you may tap off the correct circuit, put a 1/4" normalled jack in there, and ba-da-bing! Inserts!

But, if you're looking for opinions based on actual prior experience of doing so, I don't think you'll find any! Not to say it's a bad idea, but you may be the first to try this custom mod!

The Porta Two is timeless, and it's worthy enough of a design, that I recently added one to my gear empire. That's the ultimate stamp of approval that I'll give any piece of equipment.

Hello Dave,
I thank you a lot for your appraise. You made me very confident about giving the whole a try. Hope you don´t get any phantom-aching when a original vintage tascam gear gets modulated by some clumsy guy like me... :-)
thanks again + bye bye,
With that being said,...

the 246 might be the way to go.

The 246 has 6 channels w/inserts on each channel,... better EQ than the Porta Two, and it still records in Normal speed, for that lofi Porta Two sound & compatibility. (Normal/High Spd: switchable).

Considering what you get, the 246 may be found for great deals, low bid prices, & still many out there in excellent condition. The Porta Two and 246 are sister products from the same family. The 246 is the high-end, and the Porta Two is the low-end, and they compliment each other well.

For these reasons, and the ultra-low bid/high value you get, scoring a 246 to complement your Porta Two might be more practical than modifying your Porta Two, overall. You have to be careful with mods, because you could diminish the intrisic value of the recorder,... even if it's a great mod in theory.

You knew it would come to this!;)
A Reel Person said:
the 246 might be the way to go.

The 246 has 6 channels w/inserts on each channel,... better EQ than the Porta Two, and it still records in Normal speed, for that lofi Porta Two sound & compatibility. (Normal/High Spd: switchable).

Considering what you get, the 246 may be found for great deals, low bid prices, & still many out there in excellent condition. The Porta Two and 246 are sister products from the same family. The 246 is the high-end, and the Porta Two is the low-end, and they compliment each other well.

For these reasons, and the ultra-low bid/high value you get, scoring a 246 to complement your Porta Two might be more practical than modifying your Porta Two, overall. You have to be careful with mods, because you could diminish the intrisic value of the recorder,... even if it's a great mod in theory.

You knew it would come to this!;)

What a Reel Loser is saying is port-studios being toys you can do greater things with better decks like fostex or tascam reel. Go get one of these and leave the porta-trash to little boys.
Ooh, big attitude!

Thanx for registering on this board for the specific purpose of criticizing me! I'm honored!

Your answer doesn't speak to the question. I believe this user already knows a reel recorder will out-perform a single-speed Porta-. I certainly do, but I prefer to answer user's questions, without spouting off about what else I know.

A Reel Person said:
Thanx for registering on this board for the specific purpose of criticizing me! I'm honored!

Your answer doesn't speak to the question. I believe this user already knows a reel recorder will out-perform a single-speed Porta-. I certainly do, but I prefer to answer user's questions, without spouting off about what else I know.


Heyn Dave, I got two more inserts for your porta-studio, but this is a mixed audience so I can't go into details.

However, about this:

From Nowhere Radio's Website:

"Copyright notice. All material on is protected by copyright law and by international treaties. You may download this material and make reasonable number of copies of this material only for your own personal use. You may not otherwise reproduce, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, or create derivative works of this material, unless authorized by the appropriate copyright owner(s)."

You see, Dave, you have violated the copyright laws and put nowhere radio in jeapordy. You are a low life weasle at best. Pay the royalties.
Oh-oh, never wanted to cause any trouble here...:-)

@ Myturbinisdirty: I didnt ask for more high quality alternatives to the Porta, as i said, i want to keep it because of it´s charming lofi-ness.

@ Reel Winner: Thanx, i apreciate your advices very much. You know what ? i even have a 244 ! My problem with that is, you wont believe me:
a) it sounds too hifi :-)
b) to me the record routing is a bit complicated compared to Porta´s on which you have the ability to route one channel directly to the assigned Track. So if you do some track by track recordings, you don´t have to change to Monitor modus without pan, FX and so oo, you know what i mean ?
But, the filters ARE great and of course it is much more pro than the Porta two.
too good for my taste !

Thanx once more :-)

P.S: What do you think about building the Filters of the 244 in the Porta Two ? :-))))