Need some tips on my first recording


New member
Hi all, just created an account here to get some tips for my first recording ever. I've never done any recording or mixing, but I have a project I want to do, and I'd like to do it right if possible.

I'm making a parody of Dr. Dre's "Still Dre", and I'd like some tips from those of you who know what you're doing. Are there any certain mic techniques i'll need to use? My only option is to record it in a room around 100 square feet. that hasn't been treated for acoustics in anyway.

any tips you could share for mixing would be appreciated too. Like I said, I've never done it before, but I still want to make it as clean as possible. Not to mention, get into more complicated recordings as I get better.
Hey there,

That's a lot to cover in one thread, honestly, but I do know some things that might help. First of all, I don't record in an acoustically treated room either. Many home recordists don't. What I like to do is to close mic the source with dynamic mic(s). That way any kind of bleed is rejected. This is a great way to start your experiments. That said, I know lots of folks that record with condensers on couches or beds or whatever to absorb reflections. Not ideal, but definitely a start.

As far as mic techniques, Shure has a wonderfully informative article on their site, that I often reference. It suggests different mics and techniques for different musical sources as well as gives you a rundown on what mistakes not to make.

Also, I seriously doubt someone can give you the full scoop of mixing and mastering in one thread. Best way is to read up on the general concept then buckle down and read how your genre is done. There are great books out there by the likes of Mike Senior of SOS which are cheap and great info too.
Read all the sticky threads at the top of this section of the forums about recording. Then just do it, learn as you go along.
haha, Yeah I didn't expect anyone to give me an entire lesson on mixing and mastering. I intend on reading a few books, and these forums look like a good source of information so I'll probably be spending some time here.

I do need to get this recording done in a certain amount of time though (its for someone's birthday), so if anyone has time to give me some specific advice on typical techniques on recording rap vocals, (like "still dre") I'd appreciate it. I just need to know where to start, compressor? reverb? do I mix the vocal in the center, or pan it left and right? you know, just a couple tips like that, that'll help me get it to sound cleaner.
In this situation, I'd use your DAWs presets and feel out the rest. There's no hard fast combo to perfect mixing and chances are it's not gonna sound like a commercial song unless an experienced mixer got his hands on it. The thing to remember is don't over compress and don't drown everything in reverb. Bring all of your faders down so you have some headroom for processing and go from there. Don't hard pan the vocals, as a very little goes a long way, which direction is a matter of taste, though I prefer right.