Need some pointers with this.


New member
Greetings! I play for a black/death metal band and am currently recording material for the full length album. I finished tracking guitars and bass for the first song and am using superior drummer to program the drums. This was the first mix that I did. If you all could please give me a feedback on how to get a better result, it would be a great help. After listening to the mix, I was dissatisfied with a lot of elements in the result. Namely -

The drums sound very plastic(save for the kick). No power in the snare and toms, seems like sticks are hitting on paper.
Overall level is very low and I have no headroom left after applying my master plug ins. How do I correct that?

The guitar tones are out of a Line6 POD HD500X. I used a Dark Glass B7K for the bass. I have mixed this track on a pair of headphones(dt 770 pro beyerdynamics) as I did not have the budget to purchase a pair of monitors. I have just got myself a pair of Yamaha HS 5s and will now be practicing mixing on those monitors.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a ton


  • Butcher's Test Mix 1.mp3
    8.7 MB · Views: 7
I thought the guitars sounded pretty good. A little muffled, but not too bad. Bass sounded OK too.

The drums have a programmed sound, but I didn't think the snare lacked a ton of power. Seemed OK to me. Maybe nudge it up a couple of db's. Or if you're out of headroom, nudge everything else down a couple of db's and limit it a little harder.
Thanks a lot Btyre and TripleM for posting your views.

I was running through the K-system Technique briefly yesterday and it looks like a very useful tool in maintaining a discipline of the level of one's music. That'll sort out the evenness of my mixes in the future.

TripleM, I was satisfied with the guitars too! Just need to tweak it a tad bit to get a solid death metal guitar tone out. I somehow managed to blend the bass in the band of the low end of the drums and guitar but I know I can do a better job with what I have, but I have heard people use SD2 before and they have managed to bring out something monstrous out of their software on the mix. My drums sound like a tweety bird in front of them. Guess I have to brush up my skills and practice with it more to get that sound out. There is this band between the 200-240hz for the snare that i chose which when boosted makes the snare come out nicely in the mix, which i didn't do in this version. Will post as soon as I reach a point which sounds better than my previous attempt.

Thanks a ton again for all the suggestions guys! The more the merrier. Cheers \m/
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