Need some Input


New member
Hey ya'll, I'm planning on making a conecpt EP called "A day at the Arcades" , the premise is gonna be beats and/or songs w/ lyrics having to do with Old School 8 and 16 bit video games. thisis something I've really wanted to do but been at a loss as for what games to choose form. I wanna do anywhere from 7-10 songs. Do ya'll have any suggestions?
Man... i did a beat with the sounds from Galaga on my PS.I say do one with that so we can compare if can find it.
Aren't you gonna run into a shitload of copyright issues?
Im fairly certain the comanies that make these games OWN the sounds. They usually have audio guys on staff that come up with it.
im just gonna do it for fun. not to make any money off of it. never really plan to release it. If it ever does hit it big, i won't mind giving the companies there fair share. like i said its more of a concept album. as far as the suggestions go, they are good, but im specifically looking for the Nintendo, SEga to up about SNES, PSone, and Genesis. Those are the ones i grew up with. so if u can think of great games from that time that have very cool music to be made to beats let me know
yeah ive heard that once or twice before. to get a real clear picture of what direction i wanna take with the EP listen to the soung called "Warp to World 6-9" by Benefit. thats the kind of thing im thinking of doing.