Need some help


New member
I need some help. I want to start my own home studio by ways of the pc. This most of my equipment that i still have. I just purchased a custom pc with the sound blaster audigy 2platinum sound card. I have my amp to power my event 20/20 studio monitors, a tascam DA-78HR which is not currently connected. Roland vsr880 with cdrack recorder which i want to get rid of ant thats basically it. Oh and i sold the mixer. I basically record spanish music which consist of 2 guitars and a bass, and about 2-3 percussionist. what programs are best suited for me cuz i understand some programs work better depending on the type of music you record. what other hardware should i invest in and would everything plug directly into my sound card. I may be asking for much but im really digging this pc thing. thanx
que pex

hi there
since youre recordings percussions you will need more than on mic so a mixer and some nice mics are a good option
in software, i dont know much but i love cool edit (now Adobe Audition) because its easy and "didactic" hehe.
