need some feedback on this new tune


New member
i recorded this song, did everything but the drums(drum samples) the vocals are just me singing the song twice to give it a spacy'ier effect.
edit: right click and go save as

the lyrics wont probly wont make much sence.

i need to fix up the ending. and i might add another verse/chorus.

need some feedback on the levels, and mix.
It might be me but, I waited 10 minutes for it to download and then gave up. I'll try again tomorrow.
Actually sounds pretty good to me. You have a good voice. I think you need to back the vocal level down just a little, so it sits within the music a bit better. Not much, but they stand out a bit, and compressing them a small amount, or just lowering the level might make them sit better. Cool song though.
Dogman said:
Actually sounds pretty good to me. You have a good voice. I think you need to back the vocal level down just a little, so it sits within the music a bit better. Not much, but they stand out a bit, and compressing them a small amount, or just lowering the level might make them sit better. Cool song though.

heres a new version.

thanks for the feedback, i think i have the vocals right, and i've added an better intro, and a better ending.
Well, you blow my vocal stuff out of the water, so I hate to really criticize them. I just think you can get a better vocal sound. Your voice seems good, so you need to use it as an instrument. Try one vocal probably don't even need to re-record it. Just eq it to what you think is close to what you hear, then add a bit of reverb, or chorus, or even delay. Let the tune be pretty natural and dry. See what transpires. What you have is ok, but doesn't seem to be what the song calls for. I think a very natural, somewhat dry vocal track ,might work well with this tune. Just my opinion, but it wouldn't hurt to try. The tracks are already recorded, just try one with a little bit of FX. Might really make this tune stand up.