Need some cruch?


New member
I need a device that could add a little cruch to the sound. Mostly blues playing. There are dozens of pedals out there so I am looking for some opins from people who use them.

Marshal has several, Ibanez, Danelectro.

I like the Marshal but.

Do you mean Crunch

you should look into an overdrive peddel and not get the distortion ones. the crunch tone is different on these.
hey i'm european so i could be wrong but uhm you need crunch right? isn't cruch like between your legs? and you need more of it? hehehe i guess that's real brave to admit...
Guhlenn :) LMAO:D
guhlenn LMAO. I really like my MXR Distortion plus. It will not give you as much gain as some other pedals, but it sounds HUGE. It wasn't really expensive, either.
guhlenn said:
hey i'm european so i could be wrong but uhm you need crunch right? isn't cruch like between your legs? and you need more of it? hehehe i guess that's real brave to admit...
Guhlenn :) LMAO:D

I think you might be thinking of crutch there. :)