need som pointers

Can you be more vague???...and while you're at it, give us less information so we can help you.
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If a plane leaves Chicago at 8am, travelling west, then how old is my uncle? True or false?
what interface to get mic and any other equipment i need


This statement is a slap-in-the-face. Things we need to know are:
1) your budget 2) what instruments you will be using 3) what you plan to achieve

As you can tell from Mr R. and Mr G. we don't have a crystal ball. From your statement I don't think you realise the depth of what you are getting into. Once you get the mentioned items, those are only tools. The skill takes some learning. There's not going to be a button that says "press here to sound like ____________".
You can go to the musicians or guitar center sites and pick out something that seems to fit you...but if you want advice we need a few more details.