Need small amp with great tone for recording

Outlaws said:
Blues Jr amps are LOUD. If you can't play loud you will never crank it. Its a waste of $400.
It is indeed a very loud amp for 15WRMS. If you put a more efficient driver in it, you can about gig with it.

On the other hand, compared to something like a Deluxe, there's relatively little power-stage distortion with the Blues Junior (vid. Machrone), so you can get what preamp distortion there is at low volumes. Still, it's going to sound better cranked more than you're going to get it in an apartment unless you're isolating it very well in a closet...and the lows are still going to go right out anyway.

I must say that that Epiphone Valve Junior looks interesting!
I've heard good things about the Vox Pathfinder 15, which I know is not tube... any opinions on that amp for recording specifically?

Just picked one up a couple of weeks ago. This is a great little amp for recording clean sounds, but not overdriven ones (at least not by itself) --- the overdrive on the amp just isn't there for me.
I've looked into everyone's suggestions (thank you, thank you :) ) and I must say that so far the Laney LC15 looks the most attractive to me, given its specs and reviews, along with my location, availability and pricing.

Of course a 15 watt tube amp can still get pretty loud when pushed, but I hope that once the neighbors go deaf they won't notice it so much any more :D
I just picked up an ampeg b50r bass combo for my guitar. I fuggin dig it. PERFECT for Clean jazz and blues with just a little growl. They went out of production a couple of years back but a few stores still have New Old Stock for around $425.00 and can be had used for $150-$250 or so. 1x12 fifty watts and sounds full , round, and plucky between 0 and 1. If you run into one check it out, remember it's a bass amp so it might be hidden away from the guitar stuff in store.
Check out the Roland Cube amps. I got a used 30 watt for a little over $100 and love it!!! Very versitile.
Gibson GA-5 Les Paul Jr. Amp - 5 watts of pure tone. sounds just like my marshall handwired 1974x except much lower volume.

The cheaper way to go is the new Epiphone Valve Jr. 5 Watt tube amp for $119. It sounds surprisingly good.
KKM1 said:
Gibson GA-5 Les Paul Jr. Amp - 5 watts of pure tone. sounds just like my marshall handwired 1974x except much lower volume.
Yeah, if I can find a GA-5 in the UK I might be very tempted. I used to have a Gibson Super Goldtone GA60-RV which was a killer amp. It's crazy to think that although Trace Elliott made the Gibson amps in the UK you don't seem to be able to find them here!