Need Recording Software Advice/Recomendations


New member
Thank goodness for this forum for people like me, most of you really seem to know what you're doing, and at least I won't be flamed for asking silly questions if I post here. Kudos.

Anyhow, I am working on demos (aren't we all?) and my current setup for Guitar is generally

Guitar -> Line6 Guitarport -> Tracktion
But occassionally I want to have some of the backing tracks and all that recorded to make it sound slightly more organic so I record
PC Mic -> Speaker -> guitarport -> guitar (sorry, I think I typed that backwards)

Once in awhile I use Audacity to do some quick recordings, and when I want half-decent vocals I record with my Shure SM58->GuitarPort.

My question is this... It seems like a long, lengthly way of recording, and I'm sure there are easier or at least better ways of going about what I am doing. I am aware of many different programs out there, and my particular interest is in freeware or pretty usable shareware type programs, as I am not made of money. What I'd like to do is find a way of doing what I'm currently doing, with the addition of being able to use samples (mostly drum/ambient/synth samples, as I don't have those actual instruments physically). I've heard decent things about Krystal, but what do I know? I know there are a ton of sample sites out there as well, and if anyone could direct me to a few of the better ones, that'd be great as well.

I appreciate your time, and I guess to sum up,

1. I'd like to know a free recording program for PC (I run a 3-year old P4 Dell laptop running XP Home with 384 mbs of RAM) that allows easy augmentation of samples and sequencing
2. I'd like to know if anyone could recommend some good sample sites for synths/orchestral/ambient/drum kit/percussion/etc
3. If you could guide me through what I need to do to use said program, or could direct me to some FAQs or guides on this website or others, that'd be awesome. Yes, I need my hand held at this point, because I am quite lost.
Check out

It has a database of softsynths, including free ones (you can search to filter out those that cost $). As long as you end up running a software program that can host VST or DX instruments, you'll be set for sounds. Sorry, but I don't know anything about free software, and what it can handle. has a guide to all aspects of home recording. Its well worth your time to read through it.
LfO said:
Check out

It has a database of softsynths, including free ones (you can search to filter out those that cost $). As long as you end up running a software program that can host VST or DX instruments, you'll be set for sounds. Sorry, but I don't know anything about free software, and what it can handle. has a guide to all aspects of home recording. Its well worth your time to read through it.

Awesome! This is exactly the type of site I've been looking for. Thanks for the reference!