Need recommendation for transparent software compressors


New member
Currently using Sony/Sonic Foundry
compressor and every time I even apply
it lightly (like 1.5:1) it takes the life out of the
music recordings and makes vocals
muddy. It's not real obvious but
if you listen close you can hear it.

Anyways, anyone using anything
they're real happy with?
Anyone else hear tried the Sony/
Sonic Foundry compressor?
Make sure your attack time is not too short, your release time not too long, and your threshhold is not too low.

Sony/Oxford makes a good dynamics package that can be fairly transparent if you choose it to be (and have some idea of what you are doing).
I like the Sonitus compressor that comes with Sonar for utilitarian, transparent compression. You can purchase it separately at the Cakewalk store for really cheap - I think it was only $35.00 if memory serves correctly. You can check it out at
Brackish said:
Anyone know anything about iZotope Ozone?
I used it for a couple years. It has a multiband compressor but you can make it into a broadband comp easily. Actually I thought it sounded best that way, as its band filters never sounded good to me. It sounded OK at low ratios - under 2:1.

Waves C1 comp is awesome...well, I like to work with it...
Will the UAD plugins sound better? I'm thinking of purchasing one...
Brackish said:
Are Waves and Wavearts totally different

Yes, completely different companies. The Wavearts stuff sounds good, you can download demos to check it out before buying.