need opinions please


New member
Hello all, I'm a noob here. I found these forums through

I'm new at digital recording. I mainly just noodle on guitar and write songs for my own enjoyment. Just a hobby.

I have a Zoom mrs-1044 digital multitrack I bought last october. I bought it because it suits my needs sufficiantly withought going way over budget and getting equipment I may never really need. I'm sure this is small potatoes compared to what some of you own, but it's a big jump from an old Tascam 4 track.

I'm getting more comfy with it all the time. I have two songs i have started writing and would like some opinions on the over all sound / mix of what I have completed so far.

Any sugestions as far as sound, mix, mastering....anything that would help me improve my recordings would be appreciated.

Keep in mind it's a direct guitar sound and drum machine. If there's suggestions about improving on those I'm all ears.


the link to my ideas:

hope you like.
Why might I ask? Isn't this where you discuss mixes? Forgive me if I'm wrong...guess I can try there to.
