Need opinions on a new song "Space Walk"


What Pro Tools *****?
I would love to know what you guys think of this mix.

Things I am curious about:

1) Are the chorus vocals too effected. Is it too noticeable? Do you like it as-is or should we go for a straighter reverb only presentation?

2) How's that mix??

3) Composition?

Thanks in advance for the help!

Don't feel the need to pan the "telephone" intro so much.
Cymbals wash is a little undefined. The drums are too mechanical for my taste. Snare is blah. It takes away from the superb quality/performance of the rest of the tune.

That's all I have, I liked the overall song quite a bit...:cool:
Cosmic Beginnings - the bleeps & noises work well.
1) Are the chorus vocals too effected. NO SUITS THE TONE Is it too noticeable? IT'S OBVIOUS BUT WORKS WELL Do you like it as-is or should we go for a straighter reverb only presentation? AS IS

2) How's that mix?? The snare is very IYFace. I'd like less of it personally but it does suit a more dance oriented world than mine. Witha more trad drum sound this would fit into the Cosmic Roughrider's territory. As it is it's more Mull Historical Society. I love both.

3) Composition?
Good one.
Excellent work - the outro is good to.
The intro is very cool.

The music composition is very imaginative. The low note in Don't Cry is impressive.

the kicks and the snare are a little too techno, hip/hop. Some british pop drums would well with this. Or just plain pop. Even disco. Overall it's really cool.
Wow. Not what I expected...very precise and well

The drums kind of took me off to another not-all-that welcome world of dance music, but once there, I wished the drums had more pulse to them. Overall I still thought it was pretty cool and very well recorded. A nice job on the performance as well. :)
cool and refreshing. and yeah i agree that low note in dont cry was a welcomed surprise. everything else is personal preference, im not sure i get the comment about the drums being too pop sounding. isnt that kinda the goal? i hate the band angels and airwaves, but id say this is similiar but i actually enjoy it.
Thanks for the comments guys. The dance vibe is very intentional. So, it's not going away. We are trying to do this dance/electronic/rock/pop thing with this new project. So, we're doing things a bit different this time around.

Thanks again!
Really cool song... I would have to say the drum programming lets it down. So much scope for a good dance groove but it's just too basic and takes from the vibe in my humble opinion.. Sorry , but to be sounds like day 1 of buying a drummachine.

Love the song and it could be absolutely GREAT! Get then drums reprogrammed!

Just my 2 bits, don't mean to be negative... But there is potential for an absolutely cracking song!
Great Song! I don't think the drums sound bad. That's the way drums are supposed to sound in pop electronica music I think.

Sounds very Postal Service to me, and I my eye (or rather ears) that's certainly a good thing.
Great Song! I don't think the drums sound bad. That's the way drums are supposed to sound in pop electronica music I think.

Sounds very Postal Service to me, and I my eye (or rather ears) that's certainly a good thing.

Yes, we are definitely going for a Postal Service vibe. We love them!

Really cool song... I would have to say the drum programming lets it down. So much scope for a good dance groove but it's just too basic and takes from the vibe in my humble opinion.. Sorry , but to be sounds like day 1 of buying a drummachine.

Love the song and it could be absolutely GREAT! Get then drums reprogrammed!

Just my 2 bits, don't mean to be negative... But there is potential for an absolutely cracking song!

We really want a basic 4 on the floor dance vibe. Simple? Yes. Effective? We hope so.
I think the kick could be less clicky. I think even though you have some of the machine gun kick rhythms you could sacrifice a some of that click. I think it would sit better in the mix if it were a bit darker.

I think the guitars need to come up on the last chorus. It would be more exciting. Those tones and parts are awesome. If I were mixing this, I would have them ALMOST loud enough to where the vocal was getting obscured.

I like this song a lot.