need opinion about tannoy reveal 6d monitors


So i am looking at some tannoy reveal 6d monitors. They are about an hour and half drive away so i wanted to get some opinions to see if its worth going. He says that they are in perfect condition with not a scratch on them and he was selling them for $750 (canadian) as he bought them for $1000. I sent an offer of $500 and he said sure.
I have been looking for a first set of monitors and had narrowed my search to either m-audio bx5a deluxe or krk rokit 5. these were within my budget. I am just wondering if these tannoy monitors are a good deal and a good step up from the other two justifying upping my budget.
any help would be appreciated.
well i actually found a pair of the tannoys at a music shop near by and they definitely don't seem to be worth the price tag.
I listened to them up againts some bx8a and yamaha hs80 and they were no match at all. they sounded like little boxes without a battom end and no clarity. They were actually on a boxing day sale at $399 a piece but the salesperson couldn;t understand why as they did not sound good.
so thats my little review incase anyone was considering them. mind you maybe they just weren;t what i was looking for so once again, go listen yourself.
i've got a pair of the original powered reveals... i bought them while salesman at a store that also had the mackies and some mid=lower end jbl... i love these things and find them betterthan models at twice the price.... granted they dont have any Boom ro them so if you're doing rap/hiphop you wont be happy...
I'm in the camp that thinks it's important to try monitors in your own studio space, especially if you're unable to change the acoustics of that space very much. When I bought my last monitors, I did a lot of research and then chose three models to compare at home. One highly recommended model sounded very weak in my place; one was just OK, but the third was the charm. I returned the others for a few extra bucks in gas and shipping--a small price for long-term satisfaction. I'd suggest doing the same if you can swing it, regardless of which boxes you're considering. Comparing them is actually a lot of fun, too. Good luck.