Need new headphones

Fire Dome

New member
Hey i'm am just about to purchase a behringer powerplay pro xl ha4700 headphone amp and i need some headphones to go with it.
I already have a pair of sennheiser hd202s and find them really cost effective with decent performance.
What i was thinking was to buy 3 more pairs of these(my current ones are on their last legs) and buy one better pair. these headphones will be used solely for tracking no mixing or anything like that but the problem i have is that alot of the people i work with require/or want to have the headphones quite loud and because of this i get alot of bleed into the mics, especially on vocals. so what i need a good pair of headphones that will keep the sound in. Hope this makes sense.

I know there are isolation headphones that you can buy but i don't want to go down this route unless absolutely neccessary.

My main budget for this is £200-£250 (HA4700(£75), 3 pairs of HD202s(£45)this leaves £80-£130 on my good pair, obviously i'd rather spend less than that but if needs be.

Are there any models of headphones you would recommend.

Cheers in advance

Fire Dome said:
Anyone at all got any suggestions?

I have a pair of DT770 they are very nice, so I recommend those for you 'nice' pair.

The MoreMe's (which is sold by some dude around here who know something about recording) would be a good inexpensive solution for tracking. I have one pair of these, and they are damn good in keeping the sound in.

If you don't want to go with the MoreMe's there is also the AKG 240 and they are pretty loud, and not that expensive (especially on e-bay) for tracking.
Dracon said:
I have a pair of DT770 they are very nice, so I recommend those for you 'nice' pair.

The MoreMe's (which is sold by some dude around here who know something about recording) would be a good inexpensive solution for tracking. I have one pair of these, and they are damn good in keeping the sound in.

If you don't want to go with the MoreMe's there is also the AKG 240 and they are pretty loud, and not that expensive (especially on e-bay) for tracking.

Thanks Dracon for those suggestions,

how much sound do the More Mes keep in. This is my main objective in buying some new headphones and if they keep in a decent amount then for £20 i might buy a pair.

Cheers once again

The more mes are good for keeping in sound. They are not the open backed type.

I have about 8 pairs.

Extreme Isolation phones get great reviews on the Studio Forums board. Go to their Classified section and you can get them new in the box for $65.
Fire Dome said:
Thanks Dracon for those suggestions,

how much sound do the More Mes keep in. This is my main objective in buying some new headphones and if they keep in a decent amount then for £20 i might buy a pair.

Cheers once again

As tmix said. They are damn good at keeping the sound in, but I couldn't tell you I how much leakeage (in dB) it has. Ask Harvey, I'm sure he could give you more information that I can, or go to his website. Which I can't remember what it is right now, but he's name is all over the place, it should not be hard for you to find out. If you need help in finding Harvey's webiste or futher information, let me know and I'll find it for you.